
How To Get A Scared Cat Into A Carrier

Yous need to take your cat for a trip in their pet carrier, but your true cat is really not interested in cooperating. Don't worry—information technology doesn't have to feel like a life-or-death struggle every time you need to have your true cat somewhere. There are simple things yous can do to brand the whole procedure manner easier, and we'll show you how!

  1. 1

    Place an actress towel or newspaper inside the carrier. The stress of being in a carrier may cause your cat to urinate. An extra towel or newspaper volition help soak up the urine so that your cat does not have to experience the 'soil spot' in the carrier.[ane] [2] If you use a towel the true cat does not commonly slumber in, it can assist to spray it with cat pheromones.

  2. 2

    Position the carrier. Front- or acme-loading hard-sided carriers are ideal for learning how to put your true cat into a carrier.[3] If you have a forepart-loading carrier, place it on its end with the opening facing toward the ceiling.[4] This way, y'all will be able to place your cat in the carrier safely and with a relative amount of ease.

    • Information technology may exist helpful to place the carrier against the wall to keep information technology from falling back equally you lot are trying to identify your cat inside of information technology.
  3. iii

    Selection upwardly your cat. How you pick upwards your cat is very of import to safely placing her in the carrier. Wrap one arm effectually her hind end and position your other arm under her chest.[5] [6] For the arm supporting your cat's back stop, use your manus to hold her back legs.[7]

    • Her hind finish should be against your breast, with the balance of her body facing away from you lot.
    • If your cat is prone to struggling and scratching, use a thick towel to pick her upward.[8]
  4. 4

    Lower your true cat into her carrier. Slowly put your cat's hind end in the carrier offset.[9] By lowering her in this fashion, she will not feel similar she is being forced into the carrier with no mode out.[x]

    • If your cat starts to struggle, put her downwards and give her time to calm down before trying again.
  5. five

    Close the carrier door and reposition the carrier. When your cat is safely in the carrier, secure the latch and position the carrier with its lesser on the flooring.[eleven] Requite your cat treats if she behaved well when being placed in the carrier (e.chiliad., no bitter, scratching, or excessive struggle).

  6. 6

    Cover the carrier with a towel or pillowcase. Placing a towel or pillowcase over the carrier makes it feel more than snug and condom to your cat,[12] reinforcing the idea that the carrier is a identify of comfort and safety. When traveling in the motorcar, covering the carrier tin help cake out the fact that the car is moving only your cat is not.

    • Your true cat's sense of remainder tin can be disrupted during car travel.[13]
    • Do not cover the carrier on a hot day.[xiv]
  1. 1

    Commencement the acclimation process early. [xv] The earlier in your true cat's life that she becomes comfortable with her carrier, the ameliorate. Kittens tend to exist more adaptable than adult or senior cats,[xvi] so it is best to start the acclimation process when your cat is a kitten. If you lot accept an older cat, the acclimation process volition probably take a scrap longer.

    • For unavoidable travel earlier the cat is acclimated, follow the steps to a higher place as slowly and calmly as time allows. Making the carrier feel equally low-stress equally possible will help with proper acclimation afterwards.
    • If you program to accept the true cat with you on a long drive, it's all-time to commencement acclimating the true cat a few weeks or fifty-fifty a few months in advance.[17]
  2. ii

    Leave the carrier out at all times. [xviii] To cats, the presence of a pet carrier usually means something bad is well-nigh to happen, like a trip to the vet's part.[19] If y'all take the carrier out only when yous demand to take your true cat somewhere, then she will probable acquire to fright it.[20] Therefore, it is recommended to leave the carrier out on the floor all the fourth dimension.[21]

    • Leave the carrier door open up. This will permit your cat to enter and exit the carrier equally she pleases, without fearing that yous are going to close the door on her.[22]
  3. iii

    Identify the pet carrier in a favorite location. Even with unlimited admission, your cat may not want to enter the carrier if information technology is in a location where she does non frequent. Put the carrier in 1 of her favorite spots, such as by a window that gets lots of sunlight.[23]

  4. 4

    Make the inside of the carrier enticing for your cat. The carrier should feel similar a identify of comfort and condom to your true cat, even if she's non exactly thrilled about being inside of it.[24] One fashion to entice your cat into the carrier is to make it olfactory property familiar to her. For example, place her favorite towel or blanket in the carrier.[25]

    • Spray cat pheromones (available at your local pet store) in the carrier.[26]
    • Place some kibbles, treats, or catnip in your cat'south carrier.[27] [28] Replenish the supply when needed.[29]
    • If she has some favorite toys, place those in the carrier as well.
  5. 5

    Feed your true cat in her carrier. [thirty] If your cat seems comfortable spending time in her carrier, try feeding her when she is inside of it. Initially, nonetheless, she may non want to eat her meals within of her carrier. Rather, she may experience more comfortable eating her meals near the carrier.[31]

    • Place her nutrient bowl a few feet abroad from the carrier. Gradually movement the basin closer to the carrier each time that yous feed her.[32]
    • If she doesn't want to eat the food when you move the basin closer, move information technology back and outset the process again.[33]
    • Ideally, your cat will work up to eating from her bowl when information technology is inside the carrier. If she does this, try feeding her in her carrier every day.[34]
    • Your cat may not eat in the carrier if she senses y'all watching her—she may remember you will close the door behind her. Stand far enough away from her so that she can consume without that suspicion.[35]
  6. half dozen

    Practice closing the carrier door. [36] Being within the carrier could experience like a trap to your cat, and then she volition need to become comfortable with you closing its door. When she enters the carrier, briefly shut the door. Immediately give her a treat, then unlock the door and let her out.[37]

    • Do not practice endmost the door when your true cat is eating.
    • Start by closing the door for merely a few seconds. When you repeat this process, slowly increase the amount of time you lot leave the carrier door closed before offering her a treat and letting her back out.[38]
    • Give her a treat but if she does not get upset or try to become out when you close the door. If she does either of those, subtract the amount of time you continue the door airtight.[39]

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  • Question

    What do you need when you become a cat?

    Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD

    Dr. Nelson is a Veterinarian who specializes in Companion and Big Animal Medicine in Minnesota, where she has over 18 years of experience equally a veterinarian in a rural dispensary. She received her Medico of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Minnesota in 1998.

    Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD


    Practiced Answer

    Basic supplies would include a littler box and litter; appropriate nutrient and a few toys.

  • Question

    How do I catch a true cat?

    Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD

    Dr. Nelson is a Veterinarian who specializes in Companion and Big Animal Medicine in Minnesota, where she has over 18 years of feel equally a veterinary in a rural dispensary. She received her Md of Veterinarian Medicine from the Academy of Minnesota in 1998.

    Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD


    Skillful Reply

    For a tame cat, calling it to you lot and picking it up will work. For a devious or wild true cat its best to use a live trap.

  • Question

    Where is the scruff on a cat?

    Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD

    Dr. Nelson is a Veterinarian who specializes in Companion and Large Animate being Medicine in Minnesota, where she has over 18 years of experience as a veterinarian in a rural clinic. She received her Medico of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Minnesota in 1998.

    Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD


    Expert Respond

    The scruff of a true cat is that office of the neck right behind the head where there is aplenty loose skin.

  • Question

    Tin you put two cats in a carrier?

    Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD

    Dr. Nelson is a Veterinarian who specializes in Companion and Big Beast Medicine in Minnesota, where she has over 18 years of experience as a veterinary in a rural clinic. She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the Academy of Minnesota in 1998.

    Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD


    Expert Reply

    Yes you can put two cats in a carrier if the cats get along and if the carrier has enough room for them both to turn around and lay downwards comfortably.

  • Question

    How do I make my cat more comfortable in her carrier?

    Francine Miller

    Francine Miller is an Applied Animal Behavior Counselor and Founder of Call Ms Behaving, a behavior counseling service for dogs and cats in San Diego, California. With over 16 years of feel, Francine specializes in treating behavior problems such as aggression, separation anxiety, phobias, fear reactions, destructiveness, urine marking, and compulsive behaviors. She uses a behavioral management and modification program that is positive reinforcement just. She holds a Diploma in Canine Behavior Counseling from the American College of Practical Science (ACAS). Francine has completed all coursework toward an MS in Applied Animal Beliefs Scientific discipline and Family Counseling for Companion Animals from the American College of Practical Scientific discipline (ACAS). She is a certified Associate of the International Clan of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) and a fellow member of the Pet Professional person Order.

    Francine Miller

    Certified Animal Behavior Advisor

    Good Answer

    I suggest you leave the carrier out and so your cat learns the carrier is a normal thing. Placing your true cat'due south food basin inside the carrier can besides help her brand a positive association with the carrier.

  • Question

    Can I put 3-day-old kittens in a carrier with their mom?

    Community Answer

    Yeah, that should be fine. But be careful when moving them. Put the kittens in offset, the female parent will go inside looking for them.

  • Question

    I've tried everything you suggested to lure my cat into the crate. She refuses to go well-nigh it. I'one thousand unable to selection her up. She bites and becomes aggressive then hides.

    Community Answer

    Has your cat been in the carrier before? If and so, she has probably had a traumatic experience in it and has labelled it every bit a danger. It sounds expensive, but buying a new, friendlier looking carrier may be a expert pick. If zip works, and you're trying to get your cat to the vet, call around and find one who makes house calls. Many of them practise for this very reason.

  • Question

    How can I convince an outdoor cat to become into a carrier?

    Community Answer

    The steps are the same whether the cat is an indoor or outdoor cat.

  • Question

    I take a 49 twenty-four hour period old kitten and it goes within the carrier but it'due south mother won't. Why is that?

    Tim Tams

    Tim Tams

    Community Answer

    The kitten doesn't know that its mother doesn't similar it, it besides has more room in there. The female parent is besides more than intelligent and is more suspicious equally a outcome.

  • Question

    My cat refuses to go into her carrier or crate. What should I do?

    Community Answer

    Brand the space comfortable by adding a blanket and toy, then place treats well-nigh the crate or carrier. Expect for the true cat to approach the area, then tell her she is skilful when she takes the treats. Keep moving the treats closer and closer to the carrier and rewarding her when she gets closer. Eventually, you can identify treats in the carrier or crate and she will enter.

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  • Cats are creatures of habit.[40] If not given fourth dimension to acclimate to the carrier, your true cat may run across it as an unwelcome disruption to her normal routine.

  • After a veterinary visit, the inside of the carrier volition take scents of the veterinary clinic that your true cat will not like. When you get home, scrub and rinse out the carrier with hot water.[41]

  • Soft-sided carriers, which open from the top or side, are easier to carry. Notwithstanding, their sides are collapsible, which may not exist good if you plan to take your cat on long car rides.

  • Your pet carrier should exist large plenty for your cat to turn around in. Information technology should also be easily disassembled, which is particularly important if your true cat is sick, injured, or will not come out on her own.[42]

  • Consult with your veterinarian if you lot are unsure of which carrier is platonic for your cat.

  • Consider giving your cat a exact command to enter her carrier. Toss a treat into the carrier and say 'in' when she walks in. Give her lots of praise immediately afterward she walks in. Repeat this process until she can enter her carrier later your exact command, but before y'all give her a care for.[43]

  • Trying to put your cat into her carrier at the last minute will increase her stress, which could cause her to bite or scratch you.[44] Let enough of time earlier your desired departure time to get her into the carrier.

  • Exercise not put your cat in a makeshift carrier, such as a laundry basket or pillowcase. Makeshift carriers can injure or traumatize your cat.[45]

  • Exercise not remove your cat from her carrier by pulling her or trying to milk shake her out.[46]

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Article Summary Ten

Getting your cat into its pet carrier can seem like a daunting task, but there are some helpful tricks to make the process easier. If you accept a few hours or days to get your cat used to it, go out the carrier in your true cat's favorite spot and put treats or its favorite toys inside. If your cat goes into the carrier on its own, close the door, requite information technology a treat, then permit it out over again. When information technology's time to ship your cat, turn the carrier face-up and lower your car into it backwards. This will be less scary than going face up-start. Unless it's a hot 24-hour interval, encompass the carrier with a towel to make it feel more cozy and safe. For more than tips from our Veterinary co-author, including how to speak to your cat while you lot put it in its carrier, read on!

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